Tiny Furniture
For Lena Dunham’s breakout feature, we designed opening and end titles, a theatrical poster, and a variety of marketing graphics.
Opening title sequence
For the opening titles, we came up with the idea of intercutting the sequence in which Aura travels home from college with macro shots of the interior of her mother’s apartment in New York. The surfaces are the same ones encountered later in the film — the blue tiles in the bathroom, the wall of white cabinets — but for now they are just textures onto which the main titles are superimposed. We then carried the motif of apartment close-ups over to the background of the film’s website.
Tiny Furniture website
When the film premiered at South by Southwest, it was completely unknown. We designed a series of mysterious flyers to arouse curiosity, composed of funny lines from the film and the tiny vintage furniture clip-art featured in the opening titles.
Festival flyers
IFC eventually released the film and hired us to design its theatrical poster. We made the comically self-pitying tagline the same point size as the title.
Theatrical poster
Trailer titles
Incidentally, the film’s original score was written by CHIPS partner Teddy Blanks. It can be downloaded for free here.
Soundtrack cover