Real Life
Real Life is a magazine about living with technology. The emphasis is more on living. They publish one essay, advice column, reported feature, or uncategorizable piece of writing a day, four or five days a week.
The unique publishing schedule for Real Life allows for a different approach to the site’s homepage and navigation. Content is experienced chronologically with the newest (Today’s) post appearing on top, “Featured” posts (from the last week) below that, and an archive stacking below. Since each piece is long, with almost always just one artwork, we decided to really focus on the text: the only images on the homepage are each writing’s key artwork blurred beyond recognition, presented as a background image when the title is moused-over. These sludgy, soft, backgrounds present a unified, if abstract, visual texture to the homepage, foregrounding the title and introduction texts for each post.
The text highlight and favicon colors are set on each page transition, including each time a new search is initialized.